Jah Khyle Howard
2 min readMar 22, 2022


As the world of business changes to engage in this digital evolution, so too must our outdated, analog business models.

If you are interested in leading your market and not getting left behind, adapting to this new business environment is a do-or-die consequence…

There has been much ballyhoo about digital transformation, yet few actually know what that means. Even fewer are aware of the complexity and impact on their business.

While digital transformation is not entirely a technology issue ( it’s a business issue), it requires technology leadership that fully understands integration challenges. It requires the expertise and input of c-level executives across enterprises to ensure its success.

However, technology touches all aspects of the business and should be led by and through the CIO. Failure to control the digital transformation narrative in this way will only lead to failure.

The old business model is internally focused, siloed with technology departments trying to service multiple business units.

With its leadership, staff, projects, and a general sense of urgency to accomplish a goal or task, each business unit generally focuses on local optima. Meanwhile, one IT department supports them all.

To make matters worse, technology-based business decisions are generally made without the input of the CIO because the CIO and the technology staff are seen simply as support. In this new digital business paradigm, the CIO plays a critical role:

  • they create competitive business advantages with that technology
  • leads the company effectively into the digital space
  • coordinates the multiple parts of the business that connect through technology
  • engages in strategic conversations with their peers
  • and oversees a digital environment that is growing exponentially year by year.

While simple in design, and of course, not all CIOs are equipped to be business technologists; the information technology leader must have the ability to implement the needed transformation, integrate and align strategic business processes with technology functions to build a digital infrastructure that maximizes the value exchange between your organization and its customers.

The purpose and viability of any business depend upon its ability to exchange value consistently and at a profit in its market. Critical to that success is elevating technology from essential support to the core functionality of your operations.

Jah Khyle Howard is an Executive “Bizologist”. Author, Speaker, Motivator, Practitioner of Peace, and Profound Lover of Life. He’s authored an e-book detailing 5 practical steps critical to effective technology leadership titled “The Technology Leadership Strategy Handbook”.

Now get out there and show the world how awesome you are!

Live More, Laugh More, Love More, and Be a Blessing to Someone Else!



Jah Khyle Howard

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