Jah Khyle Howard
Jah Khyle Howard

I am a veteran of meager beginnings from Baltimore, Maryland. Which is a clever way to say that I grew up in a very low-income, impoverished environment watching my mother struggle to feed, clothe, and provide the simple basics for me and my siblings. The one thing I can say is that I thoroughly detested living that way. I could not understand why, in a world of abundance, I had to live like this.

I started doing odd jobs to make a few extra bucks as a kid. It was there that I realized that hard work produced some results, not exactly what I had hoped; but I could see a glimmer of success principles at play.

Through trial and tribulation, I developed some skills that have allowed me to reach and surpass what I deemed successful. It wasn’t easy and I have the scars to prove it. My purpose here is to help walk you through to your ideal life, the one that you truly want to live (perhaps not the version you have accepted) and avoid some of the pitfalls that delayed my attempts.

Medium member since March 2022
Editor of Jah on Purpose
Connect with Jah Khyle Howard
Jah Khyle Howard

Jah Khyle Howard

We all have a unique purpose in life. I help you figure out what that purpose is. Go here: https://thepurposedone.com/who-am-i/